The Senator Robert Menendez case won’t be the first time in recent memory where numismatics or bullion played an important role.
Hard Times Token
I’ve enjoyed collecting Hard Times Tokens for many years now. These are some of the more notable ones in my collection.
If you’re head of state, you’ll be on coins– even if you last about as long as “The Chevy Chase Show.”
This two-headed silver round really captures the craziness and uncertainty in the weeks following the 2000 Presidential Election.
Henry Clay may have failed to win the Presidency on five different occasions, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t on a lot of tokens.
- PoliticsThe Coin Blog
“Am I Not a Woman & A Sister”: A Hard Times Token That Foreshadowed Even Harder Times Ahead. (UPDATED)
A look at one of the most famous, and consequential, Hard Times Tokens.
I’ve recently gotten into collecting George Washington colonial coins. Here are some of the ones in my collection.
Sometimes, coins that were unpopular and widely denigrated in their day end up being vindicated by later generations.