In honor of the upcoming World Cup, here are some of my coins from previous tournaments.
Maria Theresa never ruled the Holy Roman Empire, but she gave us a beautiful coin, and one of the most popular trade dollars ever.
Who would have thought a concept album inspired by the Falkland Islands War would end the most successful incarnation of Pink Floyd?
Napoleon Bonaparte sure is on a lot of coins and tokens. That’s what happens when you conquer or subjugate most of Europe.
A look at some coins issued by World War II puppet governments in Manchuria and France.
As mentioned in Part I, Napoleon Bonaparte was on plenty of his empire’s official coinage. That was also true of unofficial ones.
Guido Contini is a legendary and groundbreaking Italian director who has grand plans for an epic film about his beloved homeland. The only problem is he doesn’t have a script. So, he does what any good director would do. He builds grand sets, commissions fancy costumes, runs up a huge budget, and casts big-name stars. Script? Who needs a script? The movie will write itself.
Unfortunately, in the case of “Nine,” the latest film from director Rob Marshall, life imitated art a little too well.