Happy trails, Raphael Varane.
Did Yoko, personal tensions or the loss of their manager break up the Beatles? Or was it the lawyers? (It’s usually the lawyers.)
Oftentimes, legal battles in the music industry are strictly business and not personal.
For Irene Cara, however, it certainly felt pretty personal.
Remember David Spade’s “look children, it’s a falling star” joke about Eddie Murphy on SNL?
This time, the falling star is Justin Timberlake.
Four years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic officially began and everything shut down. So for us, that meant we could care for Bernie 24/7.
I’ve done a few podcast interviews lately talking about a variety of things, including artificial intelligence, business of law, journalism and even Richard Nixon.
Got a “Blank Space” on your class schedule? Learn all about “The 1” and only Taylor Swift!
If I could travel back in time,
I’d relive the moment you became mine.
Following JFK’s assassination, U.S. Mint and Treasury officials, as well as the Senate, House and President, worked swiftly to memorialize him on a coin.
Just hook it to my veins…
Somewhere in the multiverse, we got these proposed coins instead of the ones that were actually issued.
Who are you guys and what you done with the Pittsburgh Steelers front office?
How a mysterious lawsuit exposed long-running fault lines between Hall & Oates.
Saw a funny thread depicting some Todd In The Shadows’ Trainwreckords as “Simpsons” memes. So I tried it with some of my Career Killers.
Read an excerpt from “Nixon In New York” about Richard Nixon being in Dallas on the same day that JFK was assassinated.