You Might Remember Me From Such Law & Pop Culture Features As…

by Unfrozen Caveman Law Writer

In honor of my tenth anniversary at the ABA Journal, I’ve compiled a list of my law and pop culture features:

  • The Jury Is Out: Why do legal dramas often ignore this vital part of the justice system? (ABA Journal, August 1, 2024).
  • Sci-Fact: Futuristic films have gotten some things right about tech law challenges. (ABA Journal, August 1, 2023).
  • Legal Sleaze: Are pop culture’s unethical, incompetent, crooked lawyers examples of art imitating life? (ABA Journal, August 1, 2022).
  • Law & Order: Legacy.  The franchise’s prime-time formula shaped a generation’s understanding of the legal system. (ABA Journal, August 1, 2021).
  • Reel Power: Documentaries are shaping public opinion and influencing cases. (ABA Journal, August 1, 2020).
  • Lawyers, Songs and Money: Music that changed the law. (ABA Journal, July 1, 2019). FINALISTPeter Lisagor Awards, Best Feature: Non-Daily Newspaper, Magazine or Newspaper Magazine.
  • 50-Year Story of the Miranda Warning has the Twists of a Cop Show. (ABA Journal, August 1, 2016).

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