What do John Fogerty and Kobe Bryant have in common?
Pearl Jam was about to be the next U2 or Led Zeppelin. But then they took a page out of Neil Young’s book.
Thanks for the memories, MC Shaq.
Originally published at: Columbia News Service. (Archived here) Also published in the Berkshire Eagle – April 29, 2010. Country music has taught us how to deal with heartbreak, that it’s …
The biggest soap-opera of the NBA offseason will be resolved on Thursday night as Lebron James plans on announcing his decision during a one-hour infomercial on ESPN. There are many questions that should be answered, not the least of which is how the hell is Lebron going to fill an hour of time? Well, luckily for us, I’ve gotten my hands on a top secret advance script for Lebron’s big special.