The computers are taking over e-discovery. At least they haven’t become self-aware… yet.
This was originally going to run in the October issue of The American Lawyer, but it got killed for reasons unknown. I liked the story, though, and thought it would have been a good one, so I figured I’d post it here:
From the Archives: I wrote this satirical piece in March 2008 after the Yankees signed Billy Crystal and played him in a spring training game against the Pirates. I remembered thinking that Crystal could have made Pittsburgh’s active roster. Considering some of the stiffs they’ve had in the last few years (Jeromy Burnitz, Matt Morris, Derek “Operation Shutdown” Bell), Crystal couldn’t have been any worse.
Maybe when Stewart Copeland is done being a drummer, he has a possible career as a political spin doctor.
For something that comes around once a decade (unless you’re in Texas), it’s no surprise that redistricting generates a ton of litigation.
“Chinese Democracy” is Axl Rose’s “Star Wars” prequel trilogy.
This is an old favorite of mine. I originally wrote it for my Livejournal blog and decided it was time to import it over here. Still holds up, except for the fact that the Verve broke up shortly afterwards. That and the Robbie Williams line about not wanting to rejoin Take That.
Containing not one but two references to “Insane in the Brain!” I couldn’t be prouder of myself. (subscription required)
Adapted from my initial concert review on my Livejournal site. The original piece was written the day after the concert and was more of a play-by-play of each song at the show. I went to the second of Cream’s three reunion shows at Madison Square Garden. There were rumors Cream would reunite one last time for the Ahmet Ertegun tribute concert in 2007, but some other band ended up playing that night.
The biggest soap-opera of the NBA offseason will be resolved on Thursday night as Lebron James plans on announcing his decision during a one-hour infomercial on ESPN. There are many questions that should be answered, not the least of which is how the hell is Lebron going to fill an hour of time? Well, luckily for us, I’ve gotten my hands on a top secret advance script for Lebron’s big special.
My first professional clip.
From the Archives: I wrote this satirical piece in December 2007, back when I was writing for a website that was kind of like Onion Sports Network – only we had tens of fans and visitors. I think it still holds up well, even today. Watch this week’s “NFL Blitz” and tell me Berman doesn’t do the same schtick he’s done for decades.
Another one that was adapted from my initial concert review on my Livejournal site. The original piece was written the day after the concert and was more of a play-by-play of each song at the show. Clapton and Winwood have toured multiple times since this show, and even came back to MSG a year later. I didn’t go to that show.
Original lede: “Anthony Weiner has been less than frank about his online liaisons with various women.” I zigged.
Manhattan Federal Judge Kimba Wood Calls Record Companies’ Request for $75 Trillion in Damages ‘Absurd’ in Lime Wire Copyright Case. Not as absurd as Rebecca Black’s “Friday” – an Auto-Tuned …